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Vue d'atelier
”Quel voyage passionnant en compagnie de petits personnages, d'animaux un peu étranges... Ils vous emmènent dans leur monde qui est souvent à l'image du nôtre.”
- Sylvie Restout Polles, France
Sylvie a adopté Hymne à la liberté.

”Laetitia is a kind and talented artist, with impeccable attention to detail : I commissioned a work for my wife as a memory of our holidays in Paris. The level of detail to our request, as well as the human aspect of naming the work after my wife, was incredibly considerate. Laetitia is incredibly talented and it was a joy to work with on this project. Laetitia’s work had a profound emotional effect on my wife. When Brenda opened this precious gift on Christmas day, she was brought to tears and was overwhelmed with emotion as she was able to relive her experience through such a beautiful visual depiction of our experience. I highly recommend anyone visiting France, stop and see Laetitia at her studio nearby Saint-Germain-en-Laye. You will not regret the experience.”
- Guy Konietzko, USA
Guy a commandé une peinture à l'attention de sa femme : Souvenir de Paris for Brenda.